
Showing posts from April, 2011

Opinion: Chautauqua: it’s time for transparency

A few years ago the Colorado Chautauqua Association (CCA) board proposed putting a hotel on Open Space near Chautauqua. This absurd concept only emerged into the light of day because one board member had the courage to actually speak about it, breaking the “code of secrecy” that seems to surround much of what goes on with the CCA. Now we have another development proposal, not nearly as outrageous, but potentially equally ill-conceived. It’s to build a “modest 7,000 square foot” building, containing offices, maintenance facilities, and a meeting space, where the current Chautauqua Picnic Shelter is located, just to the south of the auditorium where we go to hear the Colorado Music Festival. Apparently, one reason to build this is to generate more revenue so that the CCA board can fund their “Chautauqua 2020 Plan.” (The CCA’s Web site contains a general “2020 vision statement,” but lacks details, supporting documentation, and financials. The proposed building was reportedly represent

Opinion: Our energy future

The Clean Air Clean Jobs Act (CACJA), passed by the Colorado Legislature in 2010, could end up committing us to a future tied to coal. This may seem counter-intuitive, since CACJA will lead to early retirement of some Metro-area coal fired power plants, and their replacement with cleaner gas fired plants. Here`s the problem: CACJA ended up requiring us to pay Xcel the remaining balance due on the Metro-area coal plants, even though they will be retired before their useful lifetimes end. This is not a huge financial burden, as the early retirement is only a few years on average. But, in the process of implementing CACJA, the Public Utilities Commission approved Xcel Energy`s request to invest about $380 million to upgrade nearly 750 MW of non-Metro-area coal plants, and these plants have lifetimes extending out to 2041 for the biggest one. If these plants are then shut down relatively soon because we want less CO2 emissions, we`ll have to pay twice – once for coal upgrade and once f