
Showing posts from November, 2013

Opinion: An election to be remembered

Congratulations to Mary Young, Matt Appelbaum, Sam Weaver, Andrew Shoemaker and Macon Cowles for their election to the Boulder City Council. Mary, Sam and Andrew, the three new members, all have served on the city planning board, so have a good start on the steep learning curve that occurs when new council members are faced with the myriad of issues that council deals with. Thanks to all the citizens who worked hard to support and oppose the various ballot issues. Participation is what makes democracy work, and the high level of involvement by Boulder citizens is what will keep Boulder such a great place. I especially appreciate the people at New Era Colorado, who did such a spectacular job of involving younger voters in the No on 310 campaign. For the older folks like me, it is heartening to see this level of engagement. It makes me hopeful that there will be people around to keep Boulder’s activist politics alive and well. The defeat of Ballot Question 310 by more than a 2 to